Embertone Jubal Flute KONTAKT SCD 長笛演奏 英文正式版
We discovered this one-of-a-kind instrument collecting dust in our favorite
local music shop. It's made out of hemlock, light as a feather, and sounds as
if it were made by elven magic. Programmed with true legato, the Jubal flute
is a simple and incredibly effective instrument. It has an earthy sound,
evoking images of folk dances, mountainscapes, and encounters with Bilbo Baggins.
The Jubal flute is named after its maker… Jubal. This mysterious man stopped by
the music shop to put his instrument on consignment, and never showed up again.
Maybe he moved away? Passed away? Or, what we like to believe, journeyed to
Valinor with Frodo and the rest of his Elven kind.
Custom made instrument, derived from a hemlock reed
Modwheel control for volume/dynamics, pitch bend controls pitch
Optional 3X round robin neighbor borrowing
Custom, genius Kontakt scripting
1 NKI file
170 recorded samples
83 MB installed, 65 MB .rar download
Download from our web-server, nothing fancy (we're broke, man!)
Sample resolution: 44.1Khz / 24 bit stereo