PLURALSIGHT NET WINDOWS PHONE 7 MANGO (Windows Phone 7開發要點教學) 英文正式版
Pluralsight出品的Windows Phone 7開發要點教學。主講:Adam Grocholski
本教學為你介紹Windows Phone開發的核心理念。學習開發中的獨立存儲,功能表欄,
launchers,choosers,感測器編程,Gestures(手勢),定位服務和push notifications
Windows Phone Mango brings new multitasking capability for
third party application developpers, in the form of fast
application switching and background agents. In this course,
we explore the new execution model that enables fast app
switching, and we examine how to leverage this model in our
applications. We also seek to understand what background
agents are, how they work and how to use them, be it for
scheduling simple popup reminders and alarms, or for running
custom code in the background at regular time intervals. We
also take a deep dive into the new background audio and
background file transfer capabilities Mango brings to the table.