MacPaw MacHider v1.6.7 MacOSX 文件檔案加密軟體 英文破解版
MacHider 是烏克蘭的一家獨立軟體公司 MacPaw 出品的文件檔案加密軟體。可以確保個人檔
案和資料夾保密,並儲存於安全之處,使用者的隱私完全受到保護。MacHider 讓你點幾下滑
MacHider is an innovative product intended to put your
confidential information out of sight from third parties or other
unwanted eyes. Our user-friendly application makes sure all of
your personal files and folders will be protected by password and
stored in a place that only you will know.
Your private files and folders can be organized into groups, so
you may easily and quickly locate them whenever you need. Simply
organize them by category, and keep your private files structured.
MacHider integrates in Finder, so you can hide your files just by
clicking on them and selecting "Hide".
Want to keep your desktop clean? Hide all files with MacHider, and
unhide the ones you need. Discover all the alternatives, just
download and try MacHider, and forget about those little secrets!