Keystone Cisco Buildable Scalable Networks Levels 1~2 英文光碟正式版 (2片裝)
Keystone Cisco Buildable Scalable Networks Levels 1~2 英文光碟正式版 (2片裝)
Keystone 公司: CISCO BUILDABLE 實作教學,一次二片,不囉嗦,讓你一次學完
放過的。市價:新台幣 34000元(美金:999.95元)。
Upon completing this course, you will be able to address those tasks that
network managers and administrators need to perform when managing access
and controlling overhead traffic in growing, routed, networks once basic
connectivity has been established.
Level 1 (1 hr 32 min)
1.0 Routing Principles (57 min)
1.1 Functions of a Router
1.2 Routing Metric
1.3 Distance Vector
1.4 Link State Protocols
1.5 Classless Routing
1.6 Load Balancing
1.7 Load Sharing
1.8 Administrative Distance
1.9 Static Routes
2.0 Extending IP Addresses (35 min)
2.1 Current Addressing Challenges
2.2 IP Addressing Solutions
2.3 Subnet Masking
2.4 Hierarchical Addressing
2.5 VLSM
2.6 Route Summarization
2.7 IP Unnumbered
2.8 Helper Addresses
2.9 Zero Subnet
Level 2 (1 hr 29 min)
1.0 OSPF in a Single Area Topology (33 min)
1.1 What is OSPF?
1.2 OSPF Single Area Topology
1.3 Hello Packets
1.4 Designated Router
1.5 Best Route
1.6 OSPF Process
1.7 When Topology Changes
1.8 OSPF Topologies
1.9 Modes of Operation
1.10 Sub Interfaces
1.11 Single Area OSPF Configuration
1.12 Verifying OSPF Configuration
2.0 OSPD n a Multi-Area Topology (53 min)
2.1 Router Types
2.2 Route Types
2.3 Link State Advertisement Types (LSA)
2.4 External Route Types
2.5 Types of Areas
2.6 Virtual Links
2.7 Summarization Types & Route Summarization
2.8 Router Configuration
2.9 Verifying OSPF Operation
2.10 NBMA Design